Interpstudies, LLC
(315) 789-2153

home sleep testing
5114 Route 21 South
NY, Canandaigua 14424
Office hours
About us
We are happy to be able to offer you a means to obtain Home Sleep Study reports by a Board-Certified Sleep Medicine Physician.
InterpStudies is a completely web-based company that transfers ("uploads") home sleep study data that you provide to our team of "Analyzers". Our Analyzers will send you a report within 5 business days providing you with the most current American Academy of Sleep Medicine guidelines regarding diagnosis and treatment options, including oral appliances.
We work most often with Remlogic software and Embletta home sleep study equipment. Additional devices can be used including: MediByte Jr, Easy Ambulatory PSG, Somte, Watch-PAT 200, Nomad, OxyHolter with LX Sleep, NovaSom Home Sleep Test, and ApneaLink Plus. (Prices and acceptance of new clients will change from time to time)
The InterpStudy team with help you with all phases of the process including set-up and uploading. Most of this assistance can be done remotely.
If you are interested in this service, please let us know! We look forward to providing you with accurate, timely Home Sleep Test reports and welcome your suggestions for improvements.