Allen Sprinkle, D.D.S
(817) 461-9998
About us
Dr. Allen Sprinkle is a graduate of Baylor College of Dentistry and has thousands of hours of continuing education pertaining to Biological Dentistry, Chronic Head and Neck Pain and Sleep Disordered Breathing. In addition, he is a member of the following organizations: |
Years ago, Dr. Sprinkle uncovered a common thread of conditions among his patients, especially those with chronic pain. Most had poor sleep quality and were consistently fatigued. They also suffered from a myriad of other difficulties including poor concentration, headaches, and acid reflux. He knew that their lack of rest and quality sleep was detrimental to their recovery and only increased their unending patterns of pain, disease, discomfort and discouragement. Dr. Sprinkle knew he had to find a way to bring rest, refreshing sleep and hope to these and hundreds of others just like them. Today, his multi-faceted approach is helping patients in Texas. In addition to his revolutionary treatments procedures, Dr. Sprinkle is in demand as a speaker at various events and is a consultant to various members of the dental and medical communities. He lives on a small organic farm just outside the Metroplex with his wife Sharna, their two daughters and a menagerie of animals. They also have two grown children and two granddaughters. |
Contact us
Allen Sprinkle, D.D.S., P.A.
1106 W. Randol Mill Road Suite100
Arlington, TX 76012
Phone: 817-461-9998
Fax: 817-459-4844
Service we offer
Regular annual and bi-annual examinations and evaluations | |
Panoramic and bite-wing x-rays | |
Complete preventative flouride-free hygiene and cleaning | |
Testing for materials compatibility. | |
The removal of mercury amalgam fillings is done in accordance with the protocols established by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. |
Tek Scan - Computerized bite evalution | |
Laser periodontal gum treatment. | |
Perio Protect - Non surgical treatment for gum disease. | |
Extractions and cavitation surgical procedures | |
Rembrandt® One-Hour Whitening Program | |
Invisalign® Learn how to smile again. | |
TMJ and Chronic factial pain
Sleep Disorder Dentistry |