Distinctive Dentistry-Dr. Joe Albert
(425) 771-3266
About us
Dr. Albert has a passion for providing oral appliances to patients. Each day, he sees firsthand the life-changing results from correcting sleep disorders. Dr. Albert also realizes the importance of good relationships with patients' physicians and other sleep professionals. He is proud of his network of referring physicians and health professionals and works closely with them to insure the best patient care available.
Recognized for his expertise in advanced dentistry, Dr. Albert specializes in a wide range of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, as well as Dental Sleep Medicine. As a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, he keeps current on the treatment for obstructive Sleep Apnea. He has also attended dental sleep medicine seminars presented by Dr. Keith Thornton, Dr. Richard Moore and Sleep Group Solutions, as well as receiving in-office training with Dr. Brian Allman, Dr. Jonathan Parker and Dr. Roger Rogers.
Dr. Albert has been practicing comprehensive cosmetic and general dental care for over 28 years. He is a 1980 graduate of University of Washington School of Dentistry.
Professional Affiliations include:
National Sleep Foundation WSDA - Outreach Program |
Contact us
Distinctive Dentistry
Dr. Joe Albert
22305 Highway 99 N. Suite 1
Edmonds, WA 98026
Phone: 425.771.3266
Email: jalbertdds@aol.com